A few hours ago the fascist Turkish state started its occupation operation on the liberated territories of Northeast Syria.
Turkish war planes attack the towns and villages of Serekaniye and Gire Spi. Qamishlo, Derik and many other places along the border are under heavy artillery fire. The self-defence forces of the Democratic Federation of Northeast Syria are responding to the attacks of the hordes of fascists with severity, hundreds of thousands of fighters and the civilian population at their side are ready to fight to the end. The situation is clear, we call for global resistance.
Declaration of the Internationalist Commune:
DayX – The moment has come – The war has started! We call to RiseUp, to defend Rojava.
The imperialist forces have decided to go to war. The troops on the ground are waving the flags of Turkey and of the Islamic State, but the decision was not only made in Ankara but also in the palaces in Washington, Moscow, Paris and Berlin.
Since the beginning, the Revolution in Rojava has been an internationalist revolution. A revolution not only to free the Kurdish population in Syria, but also the Middle East from the centuries of colonialism, oppression and dictatorships. And it has been an internationalist Revolution, because many internationalists joined this revolution, on the front line against the Islamic State and the Turkish fascism, we helped in hospitals, planted trees and worked to build up a democratic, ecological society, based on the liberation of women. And many revolutionaries joined the struggle all over the world, because the revolution in Syria has shown to all of us, that another world is not just theoretically possible, but it’s actually being built up in everyday life.
Today the moment has come, to show what we have built in the last years of comradeship and internationalism all over the globe. Today the moment has come to put internationalism once more into practice by defending the revolution, and through this, we will defend our hopes, wishes and our dreams.
Even if we are standing against the second biggest NATO army, with thousands of islamist gangs as their cannon fodder we know that behind this revolution millions of revolutionaries, friends, sisters and brothers are standing. And with all of of them, with all of you, we will increase our political protest to the level of political resistance, until there are no more weapon exports to Turkey, until the Turkish fascist regime is defeated.