24.10 Direct action. Boycot Turkish Airlines.

A direct action took place yesterday night against two TUI offices in Brussel. The report from #RiseUp4Rojava underneath.#WomenDefendRojava

23/10. Thousands take to the streets in Brussels

Thousands of people from France, German, the Netherlands and Belgium have gathered in Belgium’s capital city Brussels on the call of Defend Rojava Platform in protest at Turkish incursion into northern Syria.

The protest march kicked off from Gare du Nord and will end at the square in front of Gare Central. Representatives of several organizations are expected to speak at the following rally.

Displaying posters of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan and flags of the YPG and YPJ, the demonstrators are chanting slogans condemning the Turkish state.

16/10. Demonstration against the Turkish invasion in Brussels today

[Defend Rojava Platform Belgium-FB ] One of the greatest injustices in modern history. Turkish forces and Islamist militants are destroying everything in their path.


[Defend Rojava Platform Belgium-FB ] Streets have always been an arena where Kurds and their comrades come together and ask the policy makers to revise their ambivalent policies.

Today in Brussels, 450 Kurds and their internationalist comrades protested the invasion of Turkish state and demand Belgian government to stop all arms trade with Turkey.

12/10 Big demonstration in Brussels. Parvis St-Gilles.

Some photo’s from the big demonstration attended by 500 people @ Parvis St- Gilles, Brussels, Belgium. 12 octobre. 14pm.

Speeches were held by different groups and people in different languages, amongst others also in Dutch, French and English. Different organisations and campaigns stand in full solidarity with the self-defense of The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (Rojava).

After the concentration there was a trial to meet up in group with the XR protest demanding to declare the climate emergency. Police prevented the converging of protets from taking place from the beginning.

At the XR protest excessive police violence was already well under way with Pierre Vandersmissen leading the brutality, 458 people being arrested. Solidarity to those oppressed and traumatised by the police brutality.

No Pasaran!

Some Pictures.

14/10. Big march against the invasion in Leuven

Yesterday, hundreds of supporters of Rojava came together to march through the streets of Leuven to send a clear message rebuking the Turkish State’s aggression and condemning NATO and the Belgian arms trade’s complicity. There had already been an action in Brussels at 15h, place Luxembourg, to demand the same. Take action. Now.

The war may seem far away, but the hundreds that took to the streets show that the war’s effects are felt here. Its victims are here, too. Their homes lie in ruins. Their families bled and were buried for democracy, pluralism, women’s rights, and peace.

Meanwhile, Belgium sells arms to the Turkish State. The struggle is not only in Kurdistan, because the struggle is not only for Kurdistan. The struggle is international.

Defend Rojava Now! Stand up for Rojava!

overgenomen van NAVBEL- Belgische Democratische raad van Koerdische gemeenschappen uit België

[Ned] [Francais plus bas]

De onverantwoordelijke beslissing van de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump om de Amerikaanse troepen uit Noord-Syrië terug te trekken, heeft Turkije de vrijheid gelaten om dit gebied, de Rojava, voornamelijk bevolkt door Koerden, binnen te vallen en haar plannen voor etnische zuivering uit te voeren.

Afgelopen woensdagmiddag bracht het Turkse leger haar bedreigingen in de praktijk door middel van luchtaanvallen en beschietingen in de gebieden Serêkanî (Ras al-Aïn) Qamishlo en Dêrîk.

De Turkse invasie is synoniem aan bloedbaden, etnische zuivering, humanitair drama. Het zal Syrië doen zinken in een nog diepere oorlog en een massale uittocht van de burgerbevolking veroorzaken die de stroom vluchtelingen naar Europa zal versterken.

Aan de andere kant, zoals beweerd door commandant Mazloum Kobanê van de Syrische Democratische Krachten (SDF), heeft de Turkse agressie SDF-strijders gedwongen de bewaking van ongeveer 12.000 jihadisten die in Noord-Syrië worden vastgehouden af te bouwen, om zich te concentreren op de verdediging van hun bevolking en hun grondgebied. Dit zal onvermijdelijk resulteren in een heropleving van Daesh en dus een verhoogde dreiging voor Europa.

De Koerden, die 11.000 levens hebben gegeven in de oorlog tegen Daesh en een politiek systeem in de regio hebben ontwikkeld op basis van democratie, pluralisme en gendergelijkheid, vormen voor niemand een bedreiging. Ze vragen alleen om in vrede te leven.

Zaterdag 12 oktober om 14u vindt in België in Brussel op het Sint-Gillis Voorplein een mobilisatie plaats om op te komen voor de verdediging van Rojava tegen de Turkse militaire agressie. Een oproep van het platform DefendRojava! en NavBel waaraan vele persoonlijkheden, politieke organisaties en het maatschappelijk middenveld gehoor aan hebben gegeven.

Wij nodigen u uit om deel te nemen aan de bijeenkomst en mars om uw steun en solidariteit met de Koerden en alle andere volkeren van Rojava in deze cruciale context te tonen.

Wij roepen op tot steun en solidariteit van politieke organisaties, vakbonden en verengingen en al diegenen die zich inzetten voor democratie en mensenrechten.



La décision irresponsable du Président des Etats-Unis Donald Trump de retirer les troupes américaines du nord de la Syrie a laissé le champ libre à la Turquie pour envahir cette zone, le Rojava, peuplée majoritairement par des Kurdes, et assouvir les plans de nettoyage ethnique que le régime d’Erdogan nourrit depuis si longtemps à l’encontre des Kurdes.

Mercredi après-midi, l’armée turque a commencé à mettre ses menaces à exécution en procédant à des frappes aériennes et des tirs d’obus dans les régions de Serêkanî (Ras al-Aïn) Qamishlo et Dêrîk.

L’invasion turque est synonyme de massacres, de nettoyage ethnique, de drame humanitaire. Elle va enliser la Syrie dans une guerre encore plus profonde et provoquer un exode massif de la population civile qui va amplifier le flux des réfugiés vers l’Europe.

D’autrepart, comme l’a déclaré le commandant des Forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS) Mazloum Kobanê, l’agression turque contraint les combattants des FDS à alléger la surveillance des quelque 12.000 djihadistes détenus au nord de la Syrie, pour se consacrer à la défense de leur population et de leurs terres. Ceci entraînera immanquablement une résurgence de Daesh et, partant, une menace accrue pour l’Europe.

Les Kurdes qui ont donné 11.000 vies dans la guerre contre Daesh et développé dans la région un système politique fondé sur la démocratie, le pluralisme et l’égalité des genres, ne représentent une menace pour personne. Ils ne demandent qu’à vivre en paix.

Samedi 12 octobre à 14h, une mobilisations aura lieu au Parvis de St. Gilles à Bruxelles pour défendre le Rojava contre l’agression militaire turque, à l’appel du plateforme DefendRojava! et NavBel et de la auxquelles se joignent de nombreuses personnalités, organisations politiques et de la société civile.

Nous vous invitons à participer nombreuses et nombreux à ce rassemblement pour manifester votre soutien et votre solidarité avec les Kurdes et tous les autres peuples dans ce contexte crucial.

Nous appelons au soutien et à la solidarité des organisations politiques, syndicales et associatives et de toutes les personnes attachées à la démocratie et aux droits humains.


DayX – The moment has come – The war has started!

A few hours ago the fascist Turkish state started its occupation operation on the liberated territories of Northeast Syria.

taken over from here

Turkish war planes attack the towns and villages of Serekaniye and Gire Spi. Qamishlo, Derik and many other places along the border are under heavy artillery fire. The self-defence forces of the Democratic Federation of Northeast Syria are responding to the attacks of the hordes of fascists with severity, hundreds of thousands of fighters and the civilian population at their side are ready to fight to the end. The situation is clear, we call for global resistance.

Declaration of the Internationalist Commune:

DayX – The moment has come – The war has started! We call to RiseUp, to defend Rojava.

The imperialist forces have decided to go to war. The troops on the ground are waving the flags of Turkey and of the Islamic State, but the decision was not only made in Ankara but also in the palaces in Washington, Moscow, Paris and Berlin.

Since the beginning, the Revolution in Rojava has been an internationalist revolution. A revolution not only to free the Kurdish population in Syria, but also the Middle East from the centuries of colonialism, oppression and dictatorships. And it has been an internationalist Revolution, because many internationalists joined this revolution, on the front line against the Islamic State and the Turkish fascism, we helped in hospitals, planted trees and worked to build up a democratic, ecological society, based on the liberation of women. And many revolutionaries joined the struggle all over the world, because the revolution in Syria has shown to all of us, that another world is not just theoretically possible, but it’s actually being built up in everyday life.

Today the moment has come, to show what we have built in the last years of comradeship and internationalism all over the globe. Today the moment has come to put internationalism once more into practice by defending the revolution, and through this, we will defend our hopes, wishes and our dreams.

Even if we are standing against the second biggest NATO army, with thousands of islamist gangs as their cannon fodder we know that behind this revolution millions of revolutionaries, friends, sisters and brothers are standing. And with all of of them, with all of you, we will increase our political protest to the level of political resistance, until there are no more weapon exports to Turkey, until the Turkish fascist regime is defeated.

Call from the internationalist Commune

Disarm Rheinmetall! Impressions on the action-camp.

The alliance „Disarm Rheinmetall“ held a demonstration at the production plants of the German arms company Rheinmetall on saturday 7th september. This event followed a week of workshops (1st to 9th sept) or knowledge and skill-sharing and actions which amongst others blockaded the arms production there. A special action was about the commemoration of the Jewish forced labor for Rheinmetall at a former concentration camp. [taken over from here]

The alliance „Disarm Rheinmetall“ invited to join a demonstration today. „We cannot stand by and watch weapons being produced here in Germany that kill humans all over the world. That’s why we have disturbed the operation and production of weapons from Rheinmetall in Unterlüß in the past two days and why we are visible on the streets to make our allegations wider heard in society „said activist Clara Minden.

At present, several hundred people are taking part in an anti-militarist camp in Lower Saxony. They deemed direct non-violent action necessary, as export practices of the German state counter both German and international regulations. To circumvent German export regulations, Rheinmetall has created subsidiaries. At the camp activists from South Africa and Sardinia shared information and stories about their local resistance against Rheinmetall’s practices. Wars like the one in Yemen, Saudi-Arabia’s bloody take down on critics of the regime or Turkey’s attacks on self-governing areas in northern Syria and Iraq are examples for the deathly profit of European arms companies and especially Rheinmetall.

For the last example the camp has a major focus on international solidarity, the Kurdish struggle against oppression and internationalist efforts for support. Actions in Unterlüß form also part of the campaign RiseUp 4 Rojava.

Furthermore, the Rheinmetall factory targeted is situated in an area near Hannover which is heavily militarized. Half of the rural district Heidekreis is either directly claimed by NATO, the German army for military use or it is a testing area for Rheinmetall itself. A small but determined movement tries to convert the NATO training area into a biosphere protection area and it hopes for more support from antimilitarist and peace movements. The German state however seems to be pleased to be a hub for military transport and especially NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. Both was discussed in a workshop about the railway and its military use.

On Wednesday, the head of Rheinmetall was visited at home by activists and a group of critical shareholders, who had already successfully disturbed the last shareholders conference.

On Thursday morning, an autonomous group blocked roads leading to the production site „weapon and ammunition“ of Rheinmetall. „Through the export of weapons and logistics, which are essential for these processes, the business location of Germany, Rheinmetall and the German government is the stooge of authoritarian states. “… We must stop war, where it begins. Let’s start stopping it at the door of criminal companies!“, the group said in its statement.

In the very early hours of Friday morning, several hundreds of people walked in seperate groups through the dark to the gates of Rheinmetalls ammunition production plant in Unterlüss. The joined efforts of over 400 people prevented workers from entering the factory and the production process of arms, tanks, ammunition was disrupted.

The “ Disarm Rheinmetall” camp brings together several information and discussion events that have been taking place since September 1st at the camp near the production site in Unterlüß. The goal is to understand and be aware of history and the prevailing exploitative and aggressive system, to become active together and to develop solidarity on a regional as on an international basis. Consequently, the camp sees itself as a part of the solution on the way to a peaceful world order without oppression.

In this course of thought, there were events inspired by and focused on feminism, seeing and discussing patriarchy as a reason for war. There were also workshops on autonomous feminist organisation and self defense courses.

On Thursday, an action to commemorate Jewish forced labor has taken place at the former concentration camp Tannenberg. Forced labor for Rheinmetall is a secretive chapter in the history of the company. So far, there are no signs that draw attention to the 21 forced labor camps in Unterlüß in general and the women’s camp Tannenberg, now a forested area forest specifically. More than 900 jewish women from Hungary have been imprisoned there.

The camp also informed participants about border militarisation, as Rheinmetall profits from its “defense” branch and thus achieves a double win situation. First, they sell weapons that force people to become refugees and then they deliver technology to block those people at the borders of countries that should be a refuge.

With more knowledge about harm done by lethal work of Rheinmetall worldwide, the civil outrage spiked in a demonstration at the production sites of Rheinmetall in Unterlüß on Saturday.

The future focuses of the alliance “Disarm Rheinmetall” will be discussed after the camp. Intensifying bonds with resistance movements against Rheinmetall worldwide will be part of this.

We would love to have you in our movement as well! Write us Rheinmetall-entwaffnen@riseup.net and stay tuned: Twitter @REntwaffnen and https://www.facebook.com/pg/RheinmetallEntwaffnen ,


Report on arms’ deals with Turkey:

One of the many video’s made about the actions and the camp:

Let’s stop the war here: