PROTEST-MANIFESTATION-تظاهرات: “Mahsa Amini” is the code name / مهسا امینی اسم رمز ما

30 septembre – Ambassade de la République islamique d’Iran.

PROTESTMANIFESTATION-تظاهرات : “Mahsa Amini” is the code name / مهسا امینی اسم رمز ماBruxelles | Publié le 29/09/2022. Des Iranien.e.s vivant en Belgique se rassemblent pour protester devant l’ambassade de la République islamique d’Iran.


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NAVO criminaliseert Koerdische beweging in akkoord met Turkije

De aanvaarding van Finland en Zweden als kandidaat-leden van de NAVO was pas mogelijk als Turkije zijn veto daartegen zou laten vallen. Aan de vooravond van de pas afgelopen NAVO-top in Madrid tekenden de drie betrokken landen een ‘Trilateral Memorandum’ waarin de Turkse eisen om de Koerdische beweging te criminaliseren werden ingewilligd, wat de deur openzette voor NAVO-lidmaatschap voor beide Scandinavische landen.

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National Interest – Bashar al-Assad is struggling for influence in North and East Syria

Original op-ed by RIC’s Thomas McClure, The National Interest, 29 October 2020.

The October 2019 ‘deal’ between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Government was poorly-understood from the outset. Foreign press and NGO staff scrambled for the border as irrational panic spread about an instantaneous return of Damascus control to the Kurdish-led autonomous regions, to head off Turkey’s ongoing, bloody advance. Locals expressed more realistic concerns over the collapse of regional autonomy, violent reprisals, and a dreaded return of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) military service.

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Explainer: Why is Turkey arresting its own proxy council members in Afrin?

Why is Turkey arresting its own proxy council members in Afrin? Mass arrests, disappearances and kidnappings are nothing unusual in Turkish-occupied Afrin. Since the Kurdish enclave’s invasion and occupation by Turkey at the start of 2018, thousands of people have been seized by the Turkish-backed militias which now control the region – hundreds in the past two months alone.

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Internationalist women in Rojava: “The murder of Zehra, Hebûn and Emîna is an attack on women everywhere”

Internationalist women who came to Rojava from different territories, went to the house where our comrades Zehra, Hebûn and Mother Emîna, members and activists of Kongra Star women’s movement in Rojava, were murdered by the Turkish state. There they read a statement condemning the triple femicide committed by Turkey which represents an attack on all women in the world, calling on all women worldwide to stand up against these attacks and valuing the common struggle of women all over the world.They also demand the states and international community to take immediate measures to be able to walk towards peace in Syria, because so far the states from which they come from remain silent.

The struggle of women in Kurdistan is the struggle of women all over the world.

“With resistance we will defend ourselves! Through organisation we will end femicide!”

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Call for Action Days on the 18th and 19th July. RiseUp 4 the Revolution– Against Colonialism, Fascism, Patriarchy and Femicides, Ecological Destruction, and all forms of oppression around the World –19th July – the 8th anniversary of the Rojava revolution; the Nicaraguan and Spanish revolution. The 19th July is an important day for the whole world; not only historically, but also in our present dayand time; important for everyone fighting against fascism and building up the world we want to live in!

taken over from

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Every 4th of april will blossom anew

On the occasion of today’s birthday of Abdullah Öcalan, the coordination of Kongra Star, women’s movement in North and East Syria, sends its greetings to all resistant societies and the democratic public:

We congratulate all people on the birthday of the pioneer of democratic confederalism! We congratulate all women on the birthday of leader Abdullah Öcalan, which also marks the birth of free woman and free man! There are many examples in the Middle East of how their birth has left a legacy in the lives of societies, cultures and people. Öcalan has made a great contribution to the society and the earth in which he was born, and has thus also become the result of this heritage.

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Wij vrouwen verdedigen onszelf!

De COVID 19 pandemie toont opnieuw de patriarchale pandemie: Wij vrouwen verdedigen onszelf! De strijd voor leven en vrijheid gaat door en wordt elke dag intensiever, vooral in het leven en de lichamen van vrouwen over de hele wereld. De kapitalistische moderniteit probeert zich bij elke stap te versterken, probeert haar koers op te leggen aan het leven van alle mensen, veegt de planeet mee en probeert elke mogelijkheid tot een andere wereld en levenswijze uit onze gedachten te wissen. Zoals we in onze recente brochure kort hebben laten zien, zijn vrouwen het doelwit geweest van aanvallen in de pogingen van het patriarchaat om alle hoop op een vrij en democratisch leven voor iedereen te vernietigen.

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